Brewster's Law of Polarization of Light


 Class 12 most imp question Brewster's Law of Polarization of Light

Brewster's Law of Polarization of Light

Hello everyone!!
This is Ganesh and you watching my blog and in this post, I went to show you about Brewster's Law of Polarization of Light. If you want to know about that in the form of video if you know the Nepali language.
Let get started.

What is Brewster’s Law?

When  аn  unроlаrized  light  оf  knоwn  wаvelength  is  inсident  оn  а  trаnsраrent  substаnсe  surfасe,  it  exрerienсes  mаximum  рlаn  роlаrizаtiоn  аt  the  аngle  оf  inсidenсe  whоse  tаngent  is  the  refrасtive  index  оf  the  substаnсe  fоr  the  wаvelength.

If you want to know more about that you have compulsory see my this video.

But as your big brother, I wanna give you top 5 tips for class 12th students.
Tip number 1 : Mainly Focus on Old is Gold.
Look Old is Gold is our key to achieve A+ in NEB Examination, why? because most of the questions were asked so repeatedly in NEB, & an Old is Gold give us information about that how much some particular question is repeated. So it is necessary to go through Old is Gold.

Tip number 2: Make your short note
Short note is that which will help us during our revision time. Personally, I can not remember long long theories or derivations so I always make short note of each and every important topics, So you can also follow this technique.

Tip number 3: Time Management
Honestly, this is something we neglect nowadays. I don't know why but most of us are busy nowadays even though we are not doing jobs, we are not making food for us but again we are busy all the day as well as night. So, based on my experience I found that we spend most of the time on our smartphones or any other devices. (Mostly Smartphones) So, I wanna give you one small but FAADU tips is that Use your this time to improve your quality or value, not on FAALTU social media apps.

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