Neb class 11 physics numerical and solutions with pdf is given in this article. You can download the pdf of class 11 physics numerical solution Nepal.
In this article you will get complete numerical solution of 3 chapters of class 11 physics with pdf. Those 3 chapters are:
- Scalars and Vectors
- Kinematics
- Laws of Motion
These three chapters are most important in terms of neb board exam and one numerical is always asked from these chapters or sometime two. So, it is necessary to solve all these numerical from these chapters.
Below I gave you some sample questions and some questions from old is gold that is previous year questions.
Try to solve all these questions at once before the neb exam.
Download the pdf of Numerical of 3 chapters ( scalars and vectors, Kinematics, Laws of Motion) of class 11 physics from the link below.
Following steps:
- Read and Scroll till last of this article.
- You will find the download link
- Click that download link & you will redirect to the drive folder.
- Download the pdf by clicking the download icon.
class 11 physics numerical solution Nepal |
Scalars and Vectors class 11 physics Numerical
scalars and vectors problems with solutions pdf class 11 will be given in pdf below but before that here are 4 questions of scalars and vectors from old is gold class 11.
1) A car is moving with velocity 10 m/s along an inclined plane inclined at 60 degree with the horizontal. Find the magnitude of it's rectangular compounds. Also check your answer by adding them.
2) A rocket fires two engines simultaneously. One produces a thrust of 725N directly forward while the other give a thrust of 513N at 32.4 degree above the forward direction. Find the magnitude and direction to the resultant.
Some screenshot of the pdf of class 11 physics numerical:
3) Two equal forces act on a body. If the square of their resultant is three times their product, find the angle between them.
4) Hearing rattles form a snake a man made two displacements of 1.8m and 2.4m respectively. Find how he made the displacements if the resultant is
class 11 physics numerical solution Nepal |
Useful Resources (Links)
physics kinematics problems and solutions pdf class 11
A swimmer's speed along the river is 20kmph and up stream is 8kmph, calculate the velocity stream and the swimmer's possible speed in still water.
A batter hits a baseball so that it leaves the bat with an initial speed 37 m/s at an angle of 53 degree. Find the position of the ball and the magnitude and direction of its velocity after 2 second. Treat the baseball as a projectile.
Some screenshot of the pdf of class 11 physics numerical:
A baseball is thrown towards a player with an initial velocity 20 m/s and 45 degree with the horizontal. At the moment, the ball is thrown the player is 50m from the thrower, at what speed and to what direction must he run to catch the ball at the same height at which it is released?
A bullet is fired with a velocity of 100 m/s from the ground at an angle of 60 degree with the horizontal. Calculate the horizontal range covered by the bullet, also calculate maximum height attained.
An airplane is flying with a velocity of 90 m/s at an angle of 23.0 degree above the horizontal. When the plane is 114m directly above a dog that is standing on ground level. A suitcase drops out of luggage compartment. How far from the dog will the suitcase land? You can ignore air resistance.
Useful Resources (Links)
laws of motion class 11 numerical with solutions pdf
An iron block of mass 10 kg rests on a wooden plane inclined at 30 degree to the horizontal. It is found that the least force parallel to the plane which causes the block to side up in 100N. Calculate the coefficient of friction between the two surfaces.
A little red wagon with mass 7 kg moves in a straight line on a frictionless horizontal surface. It has an initial speed of 4 m/s and then is pushed 3m in the direction of the initial velocity by a force of 10N. Calculate Wagon's final speed and the acceleration produced by the force.
Some screenshot of the pdf of class 11 physics numerical:
numerical on laws of motion class 11 pdf |
A box of mass 15kg placed on horizontal floor is pulled by a horizontal force. What will be the work done by the force if the coefficient of sliding friction between the box and the surface of the floor is 0.3 and the body moved at unit distance.
What should be the acceleration of a block sliding down an inclined plane that makes an angle of 45 degree with the horizontal. If the coefficient of sliding friction between two surfaces is 0.3 and the incline plan is friction less?
A 15kg load of bricks hangs from one end of a rope that passes over a small, frictionless pulley. A 28 kg counterweight is suspended from the other end of the rope as shown in figure. The system is released from rest. Using free body diagram method, find the magnitude of upward acceleration of the load and the tension in the rope while the load is moving.
Useful Resources (Links)
Download the complete pdf of numerical of Physics Class 11 from Here:
Complete guide on How to download the pdf

The above link is the download link for the complete pdf of numerical of Kinematics + Law of motion + Scalars and Vectors. This pdf contain numerical problem as well as their solution, so it will be very beneficial for you.
These all are previous year questions and sample questions for you neb exam preparation.
Also I gave complete Notes of Kinematics + Law of motion + Scalars and Vectors previously. Download all the notes from below:
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