34 Important Questions and Topics for NEB | Physics Class 12 NEB | NEB 2079


This article is all about 34 Important questions of class 12 physics based on new syllabus for NEB exam 2079. These are the physics important questions for  class 12 neb electricity and magnetism chapter's  most probables questions.

We all feel difficult in electricity and magnetism chapter because it's little complicated than other chapters but yeah, if you practice or read or memorize all these topics I've given below then you will be confident in this chapter also.

Either you can screenshot the questions or you can copy and paste all the questions list to your copy and start reading one by one.

Hope this will help you in your upcoming Neb exam.

Important questions of class 12 physics based on new syllabus
Important questions of class 12 physics based on new syllabus

Physics important questions class 12 neb electricity and magnetism 

  1. Self inductance and mutual inductance
  2. LCR circuit, condition for resonance (Find the expression for resonant frequency in LCR Circuit)
  3. What is Capacitive or Inductive Reactant?
  4. How can we make wire more sensitive in potentiometer?
  5. State the principle of potentiometer?
  6. Why potentiometer is preferred over voltmeter?
  7. Numerical from Krichoff's Voltage Law
  8. Draw the circuit diagram of meter bridge and determine the resistance of wire. Write the formula used.
  9. Define shunt, resistance, resistivity, drift velocity, electromotive force, terminal potential difference, galvanometer, wheatstone bridge, internal resistance of cell, potentiometer.
  10. State and explain joules law of heating
  11. Conversion of Galvanometer into Voltmeter and Ammeter
  12. How is Peltier effect different from Seeback effect?
  13. Definition of Thermocouple, thermoelectric effect, temperature of inversion (diagram)
  14. Factors on which thermo-emf depends?
  15. Different between ionic and electronic conduction
  16. Faradays laws of electrolysis (both first and second)
  17. A current carrying solenoid tends to contract. Why?
  18. Lorentz force Numerical exam style question from (Moving Charge in a conductor)
  19. Hall effect and expression of Hall potential
  20. Dia, Para, ferromagnetic materials Hysteresis Curve (important)
  21. Different between retentivity & coercivity of ferromagnetic materials
  22. Define angle of dip, magnetic domains
  23. Soft irom is preferred for making the core of transformer why?
  24. Expression for Relative Permeability and Susceptibility.
  25. State and explain Lenz's law
  26. AC Generators
  27. Self inductance and mutual inductance
  28. Principal on which AC generator is based on.
  29. Energy stored in an inductor Transformer (Numerical or Working Principle)
  30. LCR circuit, condition for resonance (Find the expression for resonant frequency in LCR circuit)
  31. A choke coil is prefered to a resistor in an AC circuit. Why? (wattless current)
  32. Define RMS value of AC current.
  33. Define Impedance of an AC circuit.
  34. What is Capacitive or Inductive Reactant.

So, these are the most important questions asked in NEB final exams. Practice these all questions and get full marks in your upcoming exam.
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Also thank you my friend Rojan for helping me in this article, you can also subscribe to his channel.
All the keywords covered in this article are as follow:
  • Important questions of class 12 physics based on new syllabus
  • important questions of physics class 12 neb
  • physics important questions class 12 neb electricity and magnetism 
  • Most Probables Question of Physics
  • Most important questions | Class 12 NEB Physics | 2079
  • Class 12 Physics : Important Questions and Topics for NEB
  • Class 12 physics most important questions 2078
  • Very Important Long Questions Collection | Physics Class 12

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